Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Aragona to help shape key public policy with new committee assignments
RELEASE|January 27, 2023

State Rep. Joe Aragona will help play a key role in helping shape policy on energy, insurance and regulatory reform issues during the 2023-24 legislative term, as well as take a leadership role in his caucus.  

Aragona will serve on the Energy, Communications, and Technology; Insurance and Financial Services; and Regulatory Reform committees during the next two years. He will also serve as Republican vice chair of the Economic Development and Small Business Subcommittee on Housing.  

“The ever-increasing cost of energy continues to hurt working families throughout our communities, and I look to forward to being a strong voice to help reduce these costs,” said Aragona, R-Clinton Township. “We’re also obviously over-regulating in the state of Michigan, and I’ll work to cut down on excessive rules and regulations that can hurt our state’s chances of attracting new jobs. Additionally, we must reduce insurance costs while still keeping people protected.” 

Aragona also is one of only two freshman legislators who was chosen by his colleagues to serve on the House Republican leadership team. Aragona will serve as deputy whip during the 2023-24 legislative session.  

The first-term legislator represents the 60th House District, which encompasses the northern part of Clinton Township and the majority of Macomb Township. Constituents can contact him by calling 517-373-1785 or emailing JosephAragona@house.mi.gov. Correspondence can be mailed to N-994 House Office Building, P.O. Box 30014, Lansing, Michigan 48909. 

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