Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Bruck offers tribute to service members, first responders during Capitol 9/11 ceremony
RELEASE|September 11, 2023
Contact: William Bruck

State Rep. Will Bruck honored first responders and members of the military with a moving tribute to their service during a special ceremony Thursday at the Michigan Capitol.

The annual ceremony marks the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, honors first responders and military members, and remembers Michigan residents who have died while serving their county or their communities.

Bruck, who retired from the Army earlier this year after serving for more than 31 years, read the names of 11 service members from Michigan who died in the line of duty.

“It was a privilege to read these names and an honor to be a part of this ceremony remembering, recognizing, and honoring those who serve,” Bruck said. “We must always keep alive the memory of the actions taken by our first responders, military personnel, and the common citizens who became soldiers in the air on Sept. 11 and the days that followed.”

During his remarks, Bruck also shared a personal story about visiting the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Penn., with his family.

“I had the privilege and honor of taking my six youngest children and my wife through the memorial and listening to all their questions,” Bruck recounted. “With tears in my eyes, I told them the war on terror didn’t start when we entered Afghanistan or Iraq. It started on Sept. 11 when passengers on a plane made a choice to fight back. I told them about those passengers and their leader… and I was able to explain that’s the reason their father spent four years serving overseas, because of this day.”

Every year, legislators invite first responders and veterans from every corner of the state for the ceremony. Det. Mike Swiercz from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office joined Bruck.

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