Rep. Angela Rigas today announced the launch of a new website for the Michigan House Oversight Committee. Rigas, who Chairs the Oversight Subcommittee on Weaponization of State Government, said the website’s key purpose is for submitting tips and suggestions for the committee’s upcoming investigations.
“We’re going to look into every submission sent and listen to every whistle blown until no stone is left unturned,” Rigas said. “As Chair of the Subcommittee on Weaponization of State Government, I want to hear the stories of each and every Michigan resident who’s been victimized by government overreach and get them the justice they deserve.”
The House Oversight Committee consists of six total subcommittees dedicated to enhancing transparency and bringing accountability to state government. Rigas said her subcommittee will prioritize investigations into alleged misconduct and malfeasance incurred by the state over the past several years.
“We’re going to look at everything from deadly COVID mishandlings to government corruption,” said Rigas. “Our constituents deserve to know what their tax dollars have been funding, both good and bad.”
Tips and suggestions can be submitted to mioversight.com under ‘Contact Us.’ Rigas encourages all those who have been victimized by government tyranny or have information pertaining to the subcommittee’s investigations to please reach out with additional information.
“Accountability begins right now,” Rigas said. “With your help, we’re going to get answers and bring the truth to the light.”
For more information, please contact Rep. Angela Rigas at (517) 373-1403 or via email at AngelaRigas@house.mi.gov.

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